
Specify the LW132.203.151-4.5 system when a light-weight, portable system with maximum high frequency is desired for the general purpose testing and calibration of small components. This system is popular because of its low mass armature, high frequency capability, enhanced random vibration performance, and it is one of the smallest shakers available that is capable of DC (linear actuator) operation.

General Specifications
Sine force 4.5 lbs force pk
Random force 3.2 lbf rms random
Shock force 9.0 lbf pk shock
Frequency Range: DC to 11,000 Hz
Maximum Acceleration: 64 g pk, bare table
26 g pk, 0.1 lb. load
9.6 g pk, 0.4 lb. load
Maximum Displacement: 0.20 inch pk-pk, bare table
Cooling: Amplifier: natural convection
Shaker: natural convection
Power Requirements: 300 VA @ 100, 115, 220, or 230V, single phase 50/60 Hz
System Components
ET-132-203 Electrodynamic Shaker
PA-151 Linear Power Amplifier
System Options
SC-121 Sine Servo Controller
SG-135 Manual Sine Controller
Amplifier Cabinet